For individuals and families, we offer affordable health insurance options, whether you are leaving group insurance, between jobs, not yet eligible for group insurance on your new job, a college student, or not eligible for any insurance. We have a plan for everyone!
We strive to make sure that you have the best individual health coverage and family health coverage out in the market today. With the nation in the state it is you need to have affordable health coverage that can still protect your family with the highest quality care while not breaking your pocket book. Individual Health Coverage is hard to come by especially if you are self-employed. We also realize that life changes, so your Individual Health Coverage should be able to change as well.
We have a plan for everyone!
Individuals, families, or children only
Short term (less than a full year)
Between jobs
Between graduation and the new job’s insurance
Probation periods when you are not yet eligible for group insurance
High Deductible Health Plans for use with Health Savings Accounts
Single deductible plans – one deductible then 100% coverage up to $25 million! These plans offer fantastic coverage that is similar to what Consumer Reports recently recommended (remember – we want you to be informed!).
Limit your rate increases to just one during a 6-year period!
Decrease your deductible by 70% over 3 years!
Student Insurance
Guaranteed Acceptance Health Care Benefits!
Free Idaho Falls Health Insurance Consultation & Quotes
For individuals and families, it’s easy and application fees – if any – are fully refundable with no hassle. It is easiest if you call us first. We look after you and your family’s financial situation as if it were our own.
Insurance companies vary on ways to apply. Before applying, gather the following information for all applicants (including children):
Doctor / Hospital names, addresses, phone numbers where applicants have sought consultation or treatment
List of prescribed medications and dosages
Dates and durations of non-routine hospitalizations
Height and weight
Current or previous health plan coverage.
Read more about our Idaho Falls Health Insurance Online Applications for Idaho Falls Health Insurance
Idaho Falls Health Insurance FAQs
By now, you have been thinking about what you were going to do for yourself and your family when it comes to health insurance. In today’s world, it is imperative that you make sure that you have health coverage that you can trust. It’s simple, give us a call so we can personally go over the different options that you have. You will be amazed at the options with Idaho Falls Health Insurance; it’s that easy.
If you would like to see how East Idaho Health Insurance can benefit you please give us a call!