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HCR & Health Insurance Exchange Quick Answers
Posted on September 11, 2013 | 2 CommentsBelow are more Q&A on HCR. Please be sure to read my Plain Language Disclaimers. Small Business Owners Thou shalt officially notify employees of the Health Insurance Exchange – Regardless... -
Your 2012 Coverage – Applying Now Makes Sense
Posted on November 5, 2011 | No CommentsAs the holidays ramp up, many people put off planning for 2012 – thinking, “I’ll get to it in January.” If that describes you, then re-think that one. Today would... -
Open Enrollment & Dependent Coverage
Posted on August 8, 2011 | No CommentsIt’s open enrollment season, and many employees overlook what can be a steep cost to cover dependents on their group health plan. Unless you KNOW you want to pay for... -
Holey-er Than Thou: Plugging Health Insurance
Posted on February 8, 2010 | No Comments“Holey” health insurance plans can bleed your finances dry....With health insurance you can’t stop a financial bloodbath, you can only avoid one!! -
Good plans vs. bad plans
Posted on February 2, 2010 | 3 CommentsRemember, health insurance is supposed to protect you in case of a catastrophically expensive illness, not simply cover your routine costs as a generally healthy person.